Piedmont Counseling Collective

Charlottesville Center for Couples Workshops


We believe that our history does not define our destiny. Far too often we let the script of our past taint the next chapter of our life. Life can lead us to unexpected places, and facing many challenges and navigating your way through the world in a meaningful, authentic way can feel overwhelming and lonely. We want to help you discover your strengths and explore new possibilities that help you move forward in a new direction. We are passionate about working with couples and individuals to affect personal growth, empowerment, and enhancing relationships.

Therapy is a safe space to explore, express, and seek clarity. Please contact us to schedule a brief consultation to determine if the treatment we offer might be a good fit for you. We look forward to hearing from you!


Call for a 15 minute consultation

Call/Text or Email Piedmont Counseling Collective for a  15-minute consultation
(434) 989-3819